
News version 0.9.0

New features

This new release adds important improvements, especially in terms of communication between participants, such as:


Omnipresent banner: You can add an omnipresent banner to link a highlighted content. #2547


Highlighted content banner: A banner can be added on the front page to highlight a specific content (it can be a space, a process, a component, etc.) #2572


Assemblies are now integrated into Decidim (from now on they are installed by default) #2510 and assembly admins can be created #2463

Debates (component that until now was only available for Decidim. Barcelona) are already integrated into Decidim, and are available for all spaces. They also incorporate improvements from the original component, such as allowing participants themselves to create debates. See this link for the complete feature list: #2506


Usability improvements

Bug fixing